80 Lower

Table of content

  • What is 80 percent lower receiver?
  • Benefits of the 80 percent lower receiver
  • What can I get in 80 percent lower?
  • Why not buy 100% completed lower?

What is the purpose of 80 percent lower receiver? Why should you buy one? With the ever-increasing clutch of gun control laws in the United States, it is getting harder and harder for law-abiding citizens to express their second amendment rights. Gun sales across the nation have been targeted leaving businesses to ask a little more than they should when it comes to retail. That’s on top of whatever fees and background checks customers must engage with. 80% lower receivers have been and are the solution to whatever problems you might be facing with a 100% complete firearms.

What is 80 percent lower receiver?

The term 80 lower is more of an umbrella term referring to guns that are not yet complete with what requirements that would legally define it as a firearm under the National Firearms Act of 1934. This act is the legal document which defines firearms, whether they are pistols, rifles, SBRs, or Any Other Weapon.

Benefits of the 80 percent lower receiver

  • Protects your constitutional right of privacy
  • Fully custom to your needs (no more mediocre name brand AR’s or aftermarket Glocks, you get to build your own)
  • Building 80 percent lower receiver can give you better understanding of how your rifle or pistol works
  • Legal to build in most states (check your state laws before buying one)
  • Building a 80 lower receiver is extremely patriotic and very supportive of 2nd amendment.

80 lowers are offered on a lot of platforms including Glock platform well as most popular Armalaite platform. Polymer 80 is the leading 80 lower manufacturer regarding Glock platform,

What can I get in 80 percent lower?

The AR-15 platform popularized the 80 lower market. Many different companies have pushed these lowers into the market, providing 80 percent build kits and accessories to go along with these lower receivers. However, the AR-15 along with its variants, the AR-10 and AR-9 are not the only 80% lowers out there. Polymer 80, a company that specializes in polymer lower receivers, develops frames to a variety of polymer frame handguns, mainly by Glock. In this way, people can experience the reliability of Glocks platform, with customization quality of the aftermarket, without any interference from the government.

Why not buy 100% completed lower?

100%ers are still viable for purchasing. However, citizens who want to protect their 4th amendment rights as well as their 2nd should be going the 80% route. That is because much of the market for each kind of lower is the same. Stocks, grips, lower parts kits, optics are all the same whether you buy an 80% lower or not. You don’t have to worry about spending extra, and if you buy 80% lowers online there is no transfer fee since it is sent directly to your house. With 100% AR-15 lower receivers, background checks, transfer fees, and long shipping times are all to present.

From AR-15s to Polymer 80s, the 80% market is continuously growing with new innovations. Epicenters for gun control like California and New York act as catalysts for new innovations to come to the market. Buying an 80% lower is making a statement against unjust gun control laws. P80.biz can help you pick whatever kind of voice that represents your frustration with crappy gun laws in whatever color or caliber you want.

Notice: we are not lawyers you still need to check your State and Local laws. Shop 80-lower.shop today get your 80 percent lower!

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